4 Reasons to Sell During the Holidays

The end of the year is here and so many people are asking me whether they should sell now or wait until spring. The truth is now is one of the best times during the year to sell.
  1. Buyers are more serious - No one wants to take time out of their holidays plans to look at homes if they don't really need to buy.
  2. There is less competition - Everyone waits until spring to put their home on the market. Spring is always our highest inventory levels.
  3. You will get a better price - Because there is less competition, your home is more desirable and you can get a better price for it. 
  4. Homes look better - Who doesn't love seeing a home in holiday lights and decorations?
If you have any questions, or would like to come in and talk more about whether selling now is right for you, please give me a call!

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